A pleasure to be working with Julian Ortner-Kemp and the multiple award winning Strata and Facilities Management team at Independent Property Group on how to manage difficult and challenging client interactions.

Strata management is all about promptly and effectively handling multiple requests from members of strata committees and individuals living in these properties while navigating the law and keeping good records.
Whether it's someone's family home or an investment property, people can often be irritable, argumentative, confused, angry or openly in conflict with their neighbours.
Add in leaking plumbing, fees arrears, out of hours AGM's, escalating insurance premiums and owners and tenants with competing views on the legal rights of inidividuals and organisations and you have the perfect setting (if not handled thoughtfully) for disputes escalating and intensifying.
Adopting the right mindset and being aware of different conflict styles when handling complaints and requests are just some of the topics we explore in these highly interactive, short session I run for teams.
Contact me at info@jjconsulting.com.au to find out more and upskill your team.